The international jury of the Best of Boats-Award has nominated the Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin as a finalist in the category 'Best for Family', and the Axopar 25 Cross Bow as a finalist in the category 'Best for Fun' in the upcoming Best of Boats-Awards held in November. The Best of Boats Award is the largest annual award for motorboats in Europe, assuming the number of participating countries, magazines, and boat tests. As the only motorboat award worldwide, the BOB Award is at home in all important European water-sports regions.
The Best of Boats Award is focused on the boater's point of view. All categories are defined by real-life use cases and correspond to target groups, not to boat lengths. The intensity and scope of the test runs distinguish the Best of Boats Award and make it a seal of approval for the special quality of the selected boats. Nationally and internationally, the prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the boating industry.